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Trustworthy Lawyer in Virginia Beach, VA

Trustworthy Bankruptcy Lawyer in Virginia Beach, VA

Trustworthy Bankruptcy Lawyer in Virginia Beach, VA

Trustworthy Bankruptcy Lawyer in Virginia Beach, VA

Helping You Every Step of the Way

The Law Office of Michael J. Heath is a caring bankruptcy lawyer in Virginia Beach, VA. With over 20 years of experience, we deliver excellent results for our clients. We focus on assisting our clients with consumer financial matters and we consider it an honor to assist our clients who may be experiencing stress from excessive medical debt, credit rate increases, threatened mortgage foreclosures, eviction proceedings, consumer debt repayments, garnishments, lawsuits, and a variety of other stressful consumer debts.

Michael Heath has helped over 3,000 clients who needed help, ensuring they received the proper support throughout the process. Our law firm will guide you through the entire legal process from your first consultation to when you complete your case and receive a Discharge. We will be with you every step of the way.

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We Offer Friendly and Personalized Service

As a small law firm with over 20 years of experience, we value giving our clients legal counsel that treats them like human beings. Our clients aren’t just numbers, they’re people with genuine thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Unlike large law firms, our kind and dedicated team can provide clients with personalized services that address their specific needs. By choosing us, you’ll receive top-tier legal care you can count on to make your experience as easy as possible, eliminating stress and bringing calm and peace back into your daily life.

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We Understand the Humanity of Your Case

If the legal system has taught us one thing, massive debt is often out of the debtor’s control. Statistics show over half of bankruptcies occur due to medical matters, whether medical debt or decreased income arising from medical conditions, in addition job loss and divorce account for an overwhelming amount. That’s why we remain caring, sensitive, and %100 judgment-free with all our clients. You still deserve a happy, healthy, dignified life regardless of why you’re in overwhelming debt. We’re here to ease your mind and fight hard to eliminate most or all your debt, so you can start the next phase of your life.

Trustworthy Bankruptcy Lawyer in Virginia Beach, VA

Law Office of Michael J. Heath

575 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 180A
Virginia Beach, VA 23452


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM